Leadership Team

Executive Headteacher

Mr Connel Boyle

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Mrs Jo Best

Safeguarding/Prevent Lead

Mr Connel Boyle

Deputy Safeguarding Prevent Lead

Miss Caroline Middleton and Miss Kirsty Nairn

Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Terry Gibson

Teaching Staff

Gryphon Class Teacher

Miss Kirsty Nairn

Phoenix Class Teacher

Mrs Fee Wells

PPA Teacher

Mrs Mary MacKay

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Alison Hallesy, Mrs Jo Lock,

Mrs Amy Cann and Ms Adele Darroch

Other Staff

Administration and Finance

Miss Isabel Marks, Mrs Claire Salzer and Miss Sarah Brake

Support Staff

Mrs Amy Cann, Ms Adele Darroch, Miss Sarah Adams, Mrs Fiona Winter and Mr David Stoodley

Out of Hours Provision and PE

provided by

Pro Coaching and Miss Sarah Adams

School Chaplain

Father Geoff Wade