We have arranged a visit to the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre at the beach in Charmouth. We will find out more about fossil formation and the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning. We will be working with staff from the Centre who will lead an exploration of the beach and coastline. This should be an exciting day when we will be outside learning about our natural environment.

The coach will leave soon after registration and will return for collection as usual at the end of the school day.

All children will need to wear suitable clothing for a day outside at the beach. They should wear old trousers with school polo and school sweatshirt. They will also need to wear trainers (or walking boots) if they have them. Please ensure your child/ren are dressed appropriately on the day layers would be ideal as the weather may be changeable. All children will need a waterproof coat as the trip will go ahead in all weathers –  sun cream and hats are essential.

All children will need a packed lunch and a drink in a refillable water bottle in a small rucksack that they can easily carry. If your child is in yrR to yr2 or is in receipt of Free School Meals, you are able to book a packed lunch (ham or cheese) via Parent Pay. If you have any difficulties, please speak to the School Office. If you are unsure of yor FSM eligibility, please do ask in the office as it is very quick and simple to check.

There is a voluntary contribution of £12 per child for this trip. Please log in to Parent Pay to give your consent and to make your voluntary contribution by 28th May. If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium funding and you wish to access this, there will be no charge. Please ask in the School Office if you are unsure of your Pupil Premium eligibility. If you are unable to use Parent Pay you will need to send your contribution to the School Office where you will be given a full consent form to complete. PLEASE NOTE: If insufficient contributions are received, it may be necessary to cancel the trip.

I am sure the children will have a fabulous time which will really bring this learning to life.

Mr Ian Rumbelow